BENOIT Guillaume, "Iris Van Dongen - Galerie Bugada & Cargnel", in Slash/, May 13
"Iris Van Dongen 'The Hunter from Noland" at Galerie Bugada & Cargnel, Paris", in Mousse magazine, May 10
CHRIS, "The Hunter from Noland", in Another Something, April 28
BYTTERBIER Nina, "Iris Van Dongen", in Vice, October 6
DE CONINCK Frits, "Dodelijke verleiding", in Het Financieele Dagblad, January 31
SMOLDERS Rob, "Afstand houden" in Kunstbeeld N. 5
"The Youth of Today" Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, catalogue, verlag des buchhandlung Walther König
PLATTHAUS Andreas, "So ist sie nicht, die Jugend von heute", in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FELS Sophie,"Iris van Dongen", in Time Out, New York
JOHNSON Ken, "Iris van Dongen", in The New York Times, July 29,
ASHTOFF Jens, "Critic's Picks – Iris van Dongen", in Artforum, March
"Prague Biennale 2", Karlin Hall, Prague, Ed. Giancarlo Politi, catalogue
"Iris van Dongen", in Dazed and Confused No. 24,
"Iris van Dongen – Nox Noctis", GEM, Museum of Contemporary Art, The Hague, catalogue
ELLIS Patricia, "Portrait of a Lady", in “Iris van Dongen – Nox Noctis”, GEM, The Hague, catalogue
ROOS Robert, Kunstbeeld
VAN DONGEN Iris," artist's contribution", in The Scorpion, No. 1, Scotland
SIMMEN Jeannot, "Ambivalent Entaglements" in BE Magazine
"The Dutch Show, Contemporary Dutch Artists in Greek Collections", The Dutch Institute, Athens, catalogue
"I just don't know what to do with myself...", Galleria Marella, Milan, catalogue
"Expander", Royal Academy of Arts, catalogue
MULHOLLAD Neil, "Expander", in Frieze, No. 88
"Prix de Rome ", The Netherlands, catalogue
"Iris van Dongen - The sisters three", catalogue
SMALLENBURG Sandra, "Knappe cliché's van nijvere"
Sandra,"Knappe cliché's van nijvere doemdenkers", NRC Handelsblad
DAVIES-CROOK Susanna, "Berlin art label – Iris Van Dongen", in Dazed and confused
"Iris Van Dongen", in Spring art, March
"Les mythes d'Iris", in L'officiel, n° 925, May
"Iris Van Dongen", in Elle, February
"Karren met kunst als", in Het Parool, February 24