Following the Right Hand of - Marlene Dietrich in “The Touch of Evil”
120 x 140 centimeters
From the beginning of the movie “La soif du mal” to the moment the image was taken, Pierre Bismuth (born in 1963 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, lives and works in Brussels) has carefully followed and retranscribed the right hand movements of Marlene Dietrich, thereby creating a drawing overlaying the original image. Apparently random, this tangle of lines is in fact extremely meaningful and personal, since it captures the gesture of an iconic actress, whose myth the artist approaches subtlty. Bringing together several artistic approaches of the 20th century, from early photographic experiences of decomposing movement to Pablo Picasso's drawings with a flashlight in space and in the dark, from automatic writing to action painting, Bismuth poetically reconciles fixed images and movement.