Francesco VEZZOLI was born in 19671 in Brescia, he works and lives in Milan.
The work of Francesco VEZZOLI is influenced by his fascination with the era of the 'glamour cinema' and its sacrosanct divas. He superposes allusions and mixes with ease genres deriving from the universe of television, so called popular 'soap culture', Freudian psychoanalysis and Pasolini's films.
The result of this being the production of film videos representing surrealistic sceneries that certain icons from his fatality pantheon honour with their presence.
In parallel or concurrently, Francesco VEZZOLI elaborates the production of embroidery that he considers equally as process and as product.
In his work, embroidery becomes an erudite game – a solitary or obsolescent activity that is the opposite extreme of the universe of 'strass' that it tackles.
The technical perfection of the video is therefore confronted with the impreciseness or the uncultivated characteristics of canvas.
He opposes the art and craft of embroidery to the icons on glossy paper who, by the power of attorney, live a paranoiac fame that they have proclaimed themselves.
His nostalgic desire is hybrid, opposed to the contemporary day-to-day reality in form of fictional parodies.
VEZZOLI re-interprets naively the 'real' and reflects on our relation to the image, to the superficial and cynical representation of the contemporary media, sublimating this way the desire for the "lost world".