Maybe Not Even a Nation of Millions

Works displayed

Piero Golia

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Maybe not Even a Nation of Millions...

Piero Golia

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
concrete, wood, glass, metal
380 x 1113 centimeters

The entire façade of a house of Amsterdam exposed at Cosmic Galerie, undermining the conventions of both painting and architecture. Its title "It takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" is a reference to the mythical album of the rap group "Public Enemy" and expresses the idea that almost nothing can stop this artist.

Piero Golia

Maybe not Even a Nation of Millions...
28 x 172 centimeters

The skeleton adorned with Piero GOLIA's attributes (diamond inlaid into a tooth, rings) seems to suggest that art is not only the place of all possible, but also the place to indelibly inscribe one's presence in history. Maybe not Even a Nation of Millions : afterall there may be nothing, really nothing, that can stop Piero GOLIA.